Thursday, February 7, 2013

Tips for men: Catch your dream girl’s attention without saying a single word

You don’t need to say the most humorous or intelligent words to initially catch your lady’s attention. A few tips can do the trick. Here are seven (7) tips to get her to look your way.

Look clean and neat. First thing to learn is how to groom yourself. Get a haircut. Shave your facial hair. Trim your nails. It’s not about being the best looking guy in town, it’s about looking clean and neat.
Dress well. Wear clothing that fits you. Know which colors complement your skin tone and built. Choose clothes you are comfortable with yet accentuate your best feature. If you have broad shoulders, try longer tops. Accessorize – the type of wristwatch you wear can tell something about your personality and preference.

Smell nice. Shower everyday. Always brush your teeth. Use deodorant. Apply a dab of pheromone cologne onto your neck. Women love guys who smell nice so put on that pheromones fragrance and spread out to various parts of your body – wrists, chest, back, thighs. Try not to exceed one or “two” finger applications.
Stand upright. Proper posture is a big eye catcher. A strong posture can signify confidence and manliness. Practice good posture. Keep your shoulders squared and your spine straight. Show that you are in control.

Lift weights. Exercise regularly. Develop a few muscles. Women like their men strong and capable.

Move slowly and smoothly. Powerful men move slowly, as if they have all the time in the world. The speed in the way you move connotes sexiness. Smooth movement sends strong signal to the opposite sex.

Make that eye contact. Your eyes are mirror of your soul. Learn how you can use your eyes to your advantage. Make them expressive. Check your facial expression. How you speak through your eyes and face can excite women.


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